So I am not sure if I should be excited or extremely scared . . . I mean, the last day of school is a pretty big day for a kids (at least it was for me). It's the end of a chapter in their lives, they get to play all summer, and parents have to get use to having them home all day again. Not that that's a bad thing, school is just such a nice for mom's to get things done with a few less hands to juggle. Regardless, the day has come, so I better just buck up and enjoy it right.
So here is the first day of school for McKenzie. . .
And if you remember, I took a pic of Morgan and her two really good friends McKenna and Katelyn their first day of Kindergarten . . 
And here they are their last day of kindergarten. Aren't they soooo cute. Morgan has grown a little and maybe will catch up to these two, (probably not with my jeans in the mix).

Here are the two running and screaming out of the door s from school. All the kids were just running amok, it was awesome. The buses started honking their horns too. Can you tell they are excited.

I wanted to get a shot of McKenzie and her class buddies. McKenzie talked about these two all of the time. I hope we can get these girls together over the summer.

Here's Mac and the soon-not-to-be Ms. Braun. She is getting married this summer. What a lucky guy. She is an amazing woman and I can't wait till Morgan is in 2nd grade so we can request her again.

And of course the wonderful Mrs. Headman. She will never get rid of us. I wonder if we will be here long enough to have Malia start school here. She is awesome. She loves these kids but really knows how to keep them in line, even if she gets mad at the class for acting up, they still love her.
So here's to a fun, non stressful, peaceful, easygoing summer. (Is that even possible?)