As of when this will be posted, we have less than 2 weeks till this firecracker turns 1. These pics were actually taken a lot closer to when she turned 11 months, but if you read the previous post you will know why I haven't posted these pics yet. Anyway, this crazy little girl kills me, on so many levels, but she sure is fun.
See those cute teeth?
Love this!
As of now she:
Weight: 16 ish lbs. We will have a more accurate measurement next month. We are getting a little worried, this girl doesn't eat
Height: Who knows, I don't have time for this right now
*Has 4 teeth-2 top 2 bottom
*Stands for about 20-30 be herself, when she's in the mood.
*Walks with assistance still. Loves to push laundry baskets and her walker around
*Started velociraptor screaming. My ears can't take much more.
*Started signing. she knows "hi/bye", "more" and "all done". We'll see what she does next month.
*Going to bed on her own HALLELUJAH!!!!! she usually sleeps about 7 hours (starting at 8 PM) and then goes to 6 AM. I really got spoiled with the last 3 of my kids. I forgot what it was like to not have a sleeper, but hey this is a huge accomplishment, I will take it.
*She's really smart. She is a thinker and likes to figure out how things work. I have never had a baby actually figure baby toys out when the toy has the suggested age. She really likes to make toys work.
*Loves technology. She will get her hands on the TV remote and will lift it up in the air and point it at the TV like she's going to change the channel. It's hysterical. She's also really good at turning on the XBOX and turning on the phone. We are in trouble.
*Oh and she is the 2nd cutest baby. We entered her in the Star Spangled Baby Contest that's part of the Freedom Festival. The contest was the 1st of June, right after school got out, and she got 2nd place in the 10-12 month division. I was really bummed because my camera battery died because of the overuse in the previous post. So we had Randy's IPhone, which usually takes decent pictures but because we were in a dim-lit room they didn't turn out great. So this is what I have.
She really liked her medal. She kept sucking on it.
Sorry these are so fuzzy.
All of the winners from each division. We are on the far left not looking at the camera.
Our happy little cutie!
Part of winning meant we need to be in the children's parade this next weekend. If you are in the area, you should come watch :) It was a fun contest that involved the whole family. All of the kids had fun.