Friday, March 8, 2013

Masie's 8 Months

Here's our little Munchkin at 8 months  We finally took her out of 3-6 month onesies.  They fit but they were getting a little tight
 Her hair is just barely long enough for one of these. . .
 Don't tell my sister, she hates it when I do this.  I just thought it was sooo cute with it up like this.  See, she's a doll.
 When she's just sitting around she will have a very thoughtful face.  She likes to suck in her top lip.  It's really cute.
 She can be very happy though too and we love to make her giggle.
 But sometimes she doesn't, lol.
 She's not very cooperative for our photo shoots anymore and I really only got about 10 shots laying down this time.  The rest were of her doing this. . .
 and this. . .
 and this.  We moved her out of the bassinet portion of the pack and play because of this.
At 8 months she
*16 lbs 2 oz.
*Is crawling.  She started at about 7 1/2 months and she's full-fledged crawling now. . .GETTING INTO EVERYTHING
*Pulling herself up on things but can't get down without falling.
*Still isn't the best night sleeper.  Usually goes down between 8-9 and wakes up about 2 and then 6.
*Eats when SHE wants.
*Realizing when mom has left the room.  I can't take a quiet shower unless she's napping.
*Puts everything in her mouth.  Even had to call the doctor cuz she swallowed something, that I still to this day have no idea what it was, to make sure she was going to be alright.
*Is understanding cause and effect.  We have this toy that when you push down on the lever it drops a ball and she figured it out the other day and was soo excited.
*Started fake laughing.  It's the funniest thing.
*Dances when she hears music.
*Spins in her johnny-jump up. . .on purpose.
She's so much fun, even if she drives us crazy sometimes.  Love this little girl.

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