Friday, May 2, 2014

McKay's Arrival May 2, 2014

So to give a quick synopsis of McKay's birth...Randy had been out of town working at his new job at Eli Lily in Indianapolis leading up to his birth and we only had 10 days for this bambino to join this family so we opted for an induction.  I don't really like inductions because my body knows how to go into labor on its own and has delivered many babies naturally so I knew it was not going to be pleasant to force my body to do something it really wasn't ready to do.  But I wanted to have as much time with Randy and McKay at the same time so we went for it.  I was induced at about 7 AM and it took 12 hours for him to make his debut.  It would have gone faster if I had waited but such is life.  He was a perfectly healthy 8 lbs 9 oz bundle of joy.  The special thing about this birth is McKenzie's desire to be in the delivery room with me to see McKay being born. I was hesitant because if I didn't have an epidural, which I was trying to do again, I would have been a little out of it potentially a little frightening for a girl of 13 to watch.  So we played it by ear and when she got out of school, grandma brought her over and by that time I was done and had gotten the epidural so we let her in.  She stayed for the rest of it and got to experience it all.  I was really impressed with how well she handled everything and she told us when it was all over that she was thinking about being a nurse when she grew up.  Apparently I didn't traumatize her enough, lol.  Here are some shots we got over the first couple of days of Kader's life.  Well except the 1st one is obviously before his first day ;)

 I know it's blurry, but oh so cute!

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