Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO KILL ME FOR THIS AND I TOTALLY JUST KEPT TYPING IN RANDOM WORDS TO FIGURE OUT YOUR PASSWORD (which by the way was not that hard to figure should really do something about that!)

I am totally hijacking katie's blog because my little sis is turning the dreaded 30 today and i wanted to make sure that everyone knows (because she doesn't want ANYONE to know!) happy bday babycakes. wish i was closer to celebrate with you! have fun tonight (but not too much fun!) and everyone else out there, let her feel the love! give her some good 30 year old advice....mine....CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD SO PEOPLE LIKE ME CAN'T HACK INTO YOUR BLOG! (but you know you love it)

happy birthday k-k-k-katie!
love ellen


Rachel Berry said...

Happy Birthday Katie! Wow and welcome to the thirty something club. It's really not all that bad. 30 was easy for me. But creeping into my mid-thirties is starting to freak me out! Alright Grandma, kick up your heels and go party like a mom with 4 kids would!


Who would have known that Ellen was a Hacker?

Shanda said...

Happy Birthday Katie!

Amanda Davis said...

I wouldn't know Ellen was a hacker either, I am not sure which of your sisters is going by "Ellen" HA HA! happy birhtday. I thought of you all day on the 3rd. Every time I wrote a check, or anything else. I thought about how many fun birthday's you had back when.... like the suprise party at my house, that was kind of funny. Stuffing your room with news papers... that was funny.... I hope you have way more then 30 more good birthdays!!! Love ya lots. Oh and I don't have any 30 year old advice because I am not THAT OLD!!! (At least not for 3 1/2 more months!!!)