Thursday, July 26, 2012

4th of July

I know this happened a few weeks ago and I've posted since then, but I figured Masie being born wasn't the only thing that happened on the 4th so I should document at least a little bit of it.  When Gma and Gpa came down, we told them of our plans for the next day and said that if I go into labor they can do as little or as much as they would like to with the kids.  They got through some of it before the big announcement came and decided seeing a brand new baby was much more fun than 4th of July festivities.  So they woke up bright and early for the balloon festival.

Balloons even came over to the kid's school where our ward was having a breakfast.  The kids got to go inside one of them and get lifted up in the air a little and then come back down. 
 It looks like it's landing on the school, doesn't it?

 After the breakfast they went to the parade. . .
 Where they were rudely interrupted by us.
These are out of order but here's some more shots of the balloon.

 And of Grandpa
 And the breakfast.
After they were done at the hospital with me and Masie, they went out to eat and my neighbors let them come and hang with them to watch the fireworks, Thanx Trisha.  It was a very eventful day for everyone.

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