Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm on a roll

So now that I am "done" having kids, I figured it was time for me to start losing the baby weight (meaning I gained a ton with Morgan and was never able to lose it). I lost Micah and Malia's really quickly but I just have had a hard time with Morgan, probably due to the fact that I moved while pregnant with Morgan, I wasn't working or working out, I moved from the mild Northwest to a very humid Midwest therefore I spent a lot of time in doors in front of my air conditioner, blah blah blah, excuses excuses excuses. Regardless, I am not as fit as I once was and it has been driving me crazy for the last few years, but I am one of those that doesn't like fixing things when I know they are just going to get screwed up (like making my bed or picking up after the kids in the middle of the day, it's pointless). So I told myself that I would start thinking about my weight issue after I was finished having kids, and I really feel like I am done physically having kids. So when school started my neighbors and I would walk the kids to school and then take the loooong way around to get back home, and then probably a month of so ago, I just had no desire to eat my daily serving of ice cream (not sure why I just have had no craving for it anymore, I do like to eat cereal though, so that is now my substitute now, weird I know). I also feel like I am eating less, just not as hungry as I use to be (I think my brain is finally on track with my ever slowing metabolism) and I have lost 10 POUNDS since September. You are probably thinking, "Wow KT, that's not that much weight, but good effort," but I don't care, I am going for a lifestyle change and not a crash diet. I want to be able to enjoy what I am eating and not go searching frantically for every low cal, low carb no taste food out there. So I am going to cook the same, just eat less and really think before I eat, (do I really need that or am I just bored). Don't get me wrong I love healthy foods just ask Randy, I just don't want to lose a lot of weight and then as soon as I stop buying say weight watchers or lean cuisine or Jenny Craig's foods I put back on the weight 10 fold. So here's to you fat, I hope you leave my body soon and I never see you again. We had some good times together but it is now time to say adieu.


ellen said...

whatev...all you need to do to look skinny is stand closer to me in family pictures. and'll have at least one more. and whatev...what is my youngest child's name? i think you look hot all the days:) good job you, i have apparently received your evening icecream love lately. shame on you for sharing that! and amen to tasteless fat free crap. eat a little of the good stuff and toss the crap:)

Buffy Dayton said...

OH my word, that was funny! I think you are AWESOME for losing 10 POUNDS!!! I want to too! Seriously stinking fat, just leave us alone!!!

Sara said...

Katie, ten pound is great! I think you are right on track with the lifestyle changes and eating real food rather than crash diets and fat free bunk. good on you, girl!

Amanda Davis said...

10 lbs is great! It has taken me a lot longer to loose 7 (most of it while sick!) and I am of the same mind set! Moderation! Not crash diets! Eat less move more. Not crazy stuff that makes you loose your mind and the taste of anything worth eating! Good for you! I took my weightloss tracker of my blog because I am having a hard time with moderation during pie and candy season.... But right after Christmas it will come back to me! Then it's ON! (Or Off I hope!)

Lindsay said...

Rock on, Kate. Slow and steady wins the race. I hope some of that negative poundage didn't come from post Thanksgiving sickness. Gross!