Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Moab = No Kids, Yippee!!!

Friends of ours have a family-shared cabin close to Moab and they decided they wanted to  have a getaway with some friends without kids.  Originally there were 6 couples going to go, but 2 had to drop out, and we missed them, so 4 ended up going.  Randy and I were excited and we quickly begged and pleaded with Gma and Gpa for some babysitting, which they so kindly obliged.  We left Thursday afternoon with 1 1/2 of the couples and got there before dark. The other half came up later that night.  The cabin was beautiful (which of course I forgot to get pictures of).  Our friend's dad built it, with the help of some other family members, up in the mountains off the Colorado River.  It was 10 degrees cooler up there (yeah) and has an awesome view.

We had never been to Moab ( I know pathetic considering we've been here 4 years already), so we really didn't know where to begin.  Friday morning we were up bright and early to go to Arches National park and get the Fiery Furnace passes before they were all handed out (they only allow 75 groups per day to go through) and also get as much hiking in before the heat killed us.  It was amazing to see some smaller arches and some really cool rocks.

 Kye and Kelly, one of our Moab experts and our friends with the cabin.
 Ben and Bridget.
 Rob and Matney, our fearless leaders through the slot canyons.  Also our other Moab experts.
 One of the smaller arches we ran into.
 Beautiful eh?  We then proceeded back down and had lunch and then headed to back into Moab to a secret spot (well sort of) that Kye knew about.  He calls it the Dam Hike, cuz we hike around a dam and river but we like to be sinners and just call it the Dam Hike for the fun of it.  It was perfect because by the time we were done at the Furnace, it was pretty hot.  Unfortunately, I did not bring my camera, due to the fact we were hiking through water, and didn't get any pictures.  It felt so nice playing in the water.  We rode the rapids down on our tushes, and jumped off cliffs (well I didn't but some of us did).  I just wanted to be in the water cuz that's my element, so I was happy just to be there.
 We went out for dinner that night at Pasta J's.  Kelly wanted to see what she looked like with Bridget's glasses on.  She kind of looks like a fly we decided.  They look really good on Bridget though.  Sorry Kel, couldn't resist.
 Just chillin and waiting for our food.

After indulging in some ice cream we headed back to the cabin and played games and attempted to take showers, we ended up having to boil water cuz something was wrong with the water heater, and just talked the rest of the night.  The next day we headed further up the mountain and went skeet shooting and looked for dinosaur tracks.  Matney almost beat all of the boys in skeet shooting, just got beat by Kye.  She rocks.  After that, we headed back, cleaned the cabin, ate lunch and headed back out to go home.  It was a nice weekend away from our offspring and just spending time with some really cool people.  Thanx again Kelly and Kye for including us on such a fun weekend.

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