Apparently with out his get-up he is blond and looks nothing like him, pretty amazing I think. I was only able to get Morgan's class, McKenzie's went right before I got there. Morgan is in the standing row 3rd from the left.
The reason I didn't get to Jack Sparrow in time was because I was on a field trip with Morgan's class. We went to a local nursery to see lots and lots of plants (they just got done with a section on plants and how they grow). Then we went to Krispey Kreme for a quick demo on how donuts are made and a free donut, then we went to Petco to see all different kinds of animals. The kids had a great time. This is one of Morgan's classmates McKenna sitting together on the bus.
Randy wore a baseball hat (which he hasn't done in a while don't ask me why). Micah thought it was sooo cool that he wanted one too. The one he has is too small so Randy took his Michigan hat and made it as small as it would go and Micah and that hat were inseparable for about a week, until I bought him a Superman hat at the store. I got a few shot of him with it on, but this one was my favorite. I told him to hug himself, he came up with the rest. What a goof.
Will, my bro., and his fiance Alina come over every once in a while to play with the kids and get a meal. The kids love it when they are over, me to. This was recently when I was trying to finish getting dinner ready and Malia had had it playing on the floor, which she often does. Will came over and decided she needed to become a football. I love her expression, "I wonder what he's gonna do with his had next?"
Lastly, as I am trying to blog these long-awaited posts (I'm sure) Malia needed some entertainment and the closest thing was a Kleenex box, which BTW is the best toy in the world for a baby. It took about 30 seconds before all of the Kleenex was out and shredded. I had a good laugh.
good thing it isn't allergy season or you might need that kleenex...oh are in's ALWAYS allergy season!love all the pics. 'specially will! what was the cap'n drinkin'? looks a little tipsy to me:) good sparrow double! he should do it for money!
Love the pictures. Good thing you said that was Will in that picture I wouldn't have recognized him! Remember when he went by Billy! Cute!
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