Friday, September 25, 2009

Yet another Michaism

Life's been busy this month with soccer and getting in the groove of school hence my lack of blogging, but we had another Micahism last night. I swear this boy says the funniest things. I don't know where he comes up with it, but here is how it played out.

McKenzie wanted to go to the park and it was 6:30 pm so I said how about we ride our bikes there and play for a little before we need to start getting ready for bed. So we all loaded up got on our bikes and headed out. I ride in the street next to Micah cuz he's the slowest. As we are riding we see a pickup truck ahead, parked on the street where there is a man knocking on the door of the house it's in front of trying to get whoever lives there to come and talk to him, he looked like he was delivering something. No one was coming so he starts heading back to his truck as we are getting ready to pass him. He looks up and Micah says, "Hello." The man responds with a pleasant hello back and Micah immediately turns and looks at me and says
"Mom, I said hi to the human." I'm laughing again now as I'm writing this, and I about fell off my bike with Malia on the back when he said it. I don't where it came from or why, maybe he's been playing too much Star Wars Legos or something. He definitely keeps us on our toes though. So thanx Micah for the good laugh last night, we needed it.