Here's Ella (Shauna's baby) and Malia. You'll notice Ella's cheek, no that's not marker, it's a huge shiner. She fell on something before leaving on vacation. Shuana didn't know and Preston couldn't tell her what happened. Poor girl, cute babies though, don't ya think?
This is at the reception. They have a "kids room" set up downstairs in the basement of the house that has a TV with movies, puzzles, trains, books and other random toys. The kids like it, the only problem was one of the adults had to be down there with them for obvious reasons. But it was fun.
So I saw a cute thing to in magazine recently where this mom got body shots of all her family and put them on magnetic paper and put them all over the fridge that way her kids would get to know their aunts and uncles who didn't live nearby. So I thought what a great idea since none of our family lives close to us, except Billy and we're moving soon, and since we were seeing all of them minus Megan and Eric I would get every one's picture taken. Here are some of my favorite shots, there were a lot (cuz of my BIG family) but worth it.Here's uncle Scooby (as the kids call him) doing his Stewart (from Mad TV) impression. Nooo!
Aunt Shauna doing what she does best, eat chocolate.
Andy's wife Bonnie Jean striking a pose (that's my aunt Annie's manfriend Randy doing bunny ears).
Good ol grandpa showing off his muscles.
This isn't going to be one of the magnets, but cute nonetheless. My mom found someones walker and the kids just needed to do something and she needed to go walking so to kill two birds with one stone she gave the kids rides and got her heart pumping walking up and down the street.
Mirror image. We were at I think McDonald's on the way home or to (I can't remember now) and I was in the play area and Lindz was obviously on the other side the babies were hitting the window at each other and we got this. Pretty cute. Now I think that I am officially done with our vacation. I think I will take a break for a bit and breath. Randy's brother Rob is graduating next week from BYU-Idaho and we'll be going up for that. Probably post after that unless I feel the urge. Have a great week or so.
1 comment:
Sounds like you all had a lot of fun!! Your whole family looks great!
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