Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Why me?

This past week has been absolutely horrible. Randy came home last Wed. from work with a fever, chills and body aches, need I say more. Despite my germ-a-phobe efforts I got it Friday and the kids got it one-by-one throughout the weekend. It was awful. This flu knocks you on your back for at least 2 full days and then you are slowly making meaningful movements for another 3. Today (Wednesday) was the real first day that I put on more than PJ's (meaning sweatpants) and kinda did my hair and put eyeliner on. I even got outside and drove the car to the school and back. (that was a big accomplishment let me tell ya). Now I am stuck with a phlegmy cough that at times feels like my head may just pop off of my neck, but I am getting a great ab workout. My friends have been telling me that they have had this already and the cough lasts forever, whoo hoo. I am sooo grateful that we got our new couches the day before Randy came down with it, so that way we all could lay down somewhere while we watched endless movies. Granted I covered the couches with sheets and blankets as to not make them tainted from all of our germs. Oh and thanks to our wonderful neighbors who ordered us the shimmy and shake version of "Hairspray" (a gift for helping them when they were in a crunch) It came in the midst of all of this so it gave all of us something new to watch over and over again. I do have to say though that McKenzie was never more excited to go to school as she was this morning when I told her she was well enough to go back. Morgan cannot wait until tomorrow to go back, (me too). We just hope at least for the rest of this year that we have paid our flu dues and will be healthy for the remainder. (knock on wood)

1 comment:

ellen said...

so hello i comment on your blog....what up with that injustice!?! glad you are on the mend. hack it up baby! we finished today off finally...and it was sunny for the park! can i get a haleluja! come visit us sometime. i am not sick today, but if i stay up for one more consecutive night till 3 am i will be very sick!