Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Brother-the photographer, or maybe it's Zoolander

It's funny to be an adult and watch younger siblings still growing up. My baby brother, James, (who's really not a baby, but in our huge family he will always be the baby), will be the one that we will probably look at for the rest of our lives and think, was I really like that when I was that age? Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, it's just funny to be on the other side of the teenage years and try to remember how it was for me. Anyway, he would get a hold of my sister Megan's camera every chance he could and do a photo shoot of himself. When the week was said and done with, Meg had 27 pictures of just him on her card. It was really funny. Here a just a few.

I also like to refer to James as ZOOLANDER. . .
Or, get-that-camera-out-of-my-face man. . .
Or, look man, I'm hot.
This is Playful James, we laughed really after this one hard because the angle of the camera made his nose is enormous.
Man I gotta go.
Uh. . . what?
And my favorite. . . Zoolander.
Luv ya James, thanx for making our trip more interesting.

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